Amendment 2: Broaden Representation on Nominating COmmittee

The Nominating Committee is appointed by the Supreme Board of Governors (SBG) to determine the "Slate" -- a recommendation from the SBG -- of candidates for the next SBG. If a Brother is not Slated, but wishes to run, he must challenge a Slated candidate from the floor at Supreme Council.

Being Slated is important because it signals confidence in the candidate from the SBG. Therefore, it's imperative that the Nominating Committee accurately represents our Brotherhood's diversity and values. The current configuration of the committee fails to achieve accurate representation due to a lack of variety in membership and a lack of term limits. Rather, a limited amount of committee members are entrenched for many years leading to groupthink and self-affirmation.

Currently the Nominating Committee consists of the following members:

  1. Immediate Past Supreme Member (PSM)
  2. Chairman of the Fiscal Control Board (FCB)
  3. SBG Member (traditionally, the Supreme Master Elect)
  4. Alumnus Brother: past SBG member, past Staff member, past or current Regional Governor (RG)
  5. Brother: past SBG member, past Staff member, past or current Regional Governor (RG)
  6. Undergraduate Supreme GovernorNON-VOTING MEMBER 

Why DO We NEED Better representation on THE Nominating COmmittee?

Why do we need this change?

  • In its current form, the Nominating Committee’s is oftentimes controlled 3:2 by a few reoccurring SBG members and PSMs, but as written could be comprised of only current and past SBG members.
  • There is no actual undergraduate representation (i.e. no voting member).
  • There are no term limits. The Chairman of the Fiscal Control Board (FCB) has a permanent seat on this committee (which has no relation to fiscal matters) in which he can serve on for nine consecutive years, before a lapse of only a single year before he can serve up to another nine years.

What will the Amendment do?

  • Broadens consensus: The Amendment increases the members of the Nominating Committee from 5 to 7. This spreads power and requires a stronger consensus. It provides more access to the Brotherhood to participate and voice their preferences and opinions to committee members. It also reduces pressure on any single member, in particular the USG, from any undue influence.
  • Represents more Brothers: The Amendment ensures representation to Brothers who are not or have not already served on the SBG (non-SBG or PSMs). It provides Undergraduates with meaningful (voting) representation on the Committee, which they currently do not have.
  • Wider range of option: The Amendment imposes Term Limits, so that more Brothers are brought into the process, thereby ensuring a more diverse range of candidates and opinions. Currently, a designee of the SBG or FCB can serve up to 3 consecutive 3 year terms, at which point he must only step down for a single year before potentially being appointed to another 9 consecutive years.

What are the exact changes?

Current Provision: Article IX, Section 1, clause f Nominating Committee, subsection 1

Which shall be composed of five (5) members whose qualifications and selection shall be as follows:

  1. The Immediate Past Supreme Master (PSM), or if he shall not serve or be unable to serve for any reason, then a Past Supreme Master, appointed by the Supreme Master, with the advice and consent of the Supreme Board of Governors, who shall act and serve as chairman of the Committee;
  2. A member of the Supreme Board of Governors, to be elected by the Supreme Board of Governors;
  3. The Chairman of the Fiscal Control Board, or if he be unable to serve for any reason, the Vice-Chairman of said Board;
  4. An Undergraduate Supreme Governor elected by the Supreme Board of Governors, who shall be a non-voting member;
  5. An alumnus member of the Fraternity, elected by the Supreme Board of Governors, who shall have served the Fraternity as either a Field Secretary, a Regional Governor, a member of the Supreme Board of Governors, or a member of the Fiscal Control Board, but who shall not be, at the time of his election, serving as a member of the Supreme Board of Governors;
  6. A member of the Fraternity, elected by the Supreme Board of Governors, who shall have served the Fraternity as either a Field Secretary, a Regional Governor, a member of the Supreme Board of Governors, or a member of the Fiscal Control Board, but who shall not be, at the time of his election, serving as an alumnus member of the Supreme Board of Governors.

Proposed Provision

The Nominating Committee shall be composed of seven (7) Brothers  appointed by the Supreme Board of Governors unless stated otherwise, no less than six (6) months prior to Supreme Council.

(A). Membership. The Committee shall consist of the following:

  1. One (1) Past Supreme Master (PSM) (not currently serving on the SBG);
  2. Four (4) members of the SBG, including:
    • The Immediate Past Supreme Master (IPSM) (the Chairman of the Committee), or if he shall not serve or be unable to serve for any reason, then a Past Supreme Master, appointed by the Supreme Master, with the advice and consent of the Supreme Board of Governors, who shall act and serve as chairman of the Committee;
    • The Supreme Master Elect (SME);
    • One (1) Supreme Governor (SG) (selected by the RGs); and
    • One (1) Undergraduate Supreme Governor (USG);
  3. Two (2) Brothers who have not served on the SBG as an alumni (including at least one (1) RG selected by the RGs) who have each served as RG, AEPi Staff (but not in the last three (3) years), USG (but not in the last three (3) years), or a Chapter Advisor (CA).

(B). Term Limits. No member shall serve more than two (2) consecutive years on the Nominating Committee and/or more than three (3) years in any five (5) year period, except following a term as SME.

(C). Failure to reach majority. Should the Nominating Committee be unable to recommend a candidate for a position by a majority, the Nominating Committee, or if unable then the Chairman,  shall decide whether to allow multiple candidates to be recommended or shall recommend no candidate.